• Develop a People Strategy that matches the business strategy

Development of a People Strategy for a major cable/multimedia company

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Assignment | Support us in translating future tasks of the organisation and external developments into a concrete and guiding People Strategy, both substantially and on the process level. This strategic plan will be leading for policy choices and fleshing out the HR service. Make sure that the result is action, not just words on paper.

Approach | First of all, initial interviews were held with higher management to gather input and at the same time create the awareness that they have a crucial part to play in guiding and deploying employees’ talent in the right way. Although a participatory approach was chosen, beforehand clear frameworks were drawn up with regard to the results of the process. In cooperation with the HR department all input was gathered and analysed, and in the course of a workshop feedback was provided to the interviewees, including an initial translation into HR priorities. Then a first draft (working document) of the People Strategy was developed. In a follow-up workshop with higher management actual choices and priorities were determined. The results of this were incorporated into a final People Strategy, including specifications of underlying projects, concrete milestones, actions and KPIs.

Business Impact | By taking the lead in drawing up the People Strategy, the HR department has effectively positioned itself as a strategic partner. Thanks to the approach taken, the strategy has a solid support base among higher management. This has also led to insights resulting in a start being made to enable the various management layers to look at themselves and their employees in a different way. The development of the People Strategy has resulted in more coherence between different projects. Within a short period, the organisation has substantially improved its rankings with regard to worker satisfaction, involvement and labour market position.

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