• From fixed contracts to an open talent economy

The amount of options to attract talent to your organisation is endless

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From fixed contracts to an open talent economy

The labor market continues to become more flexible. A growing number of people is turning to self-employment. The internet is developing towards a market place for hiring specific talent for specific jobs or activities. At the same time, people are only willing to commit to a single employer or contractor for a shorter period of time and work on a diverse and interesting variety of projects. A contract between ‘employer’ and ‘employee’ is no longer based on the exchange of life-time employment security and financial stability for employee performance and loyalty. In fact, we can now speak of a new type of contract which is based on increasing organisational needs for short-term, ready available employee support and workers’ increasing needs for a career which is defined by a collection of contracts/ career steps with different employers.


Foto: Morguefile.com / pippalou

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