• From New Ways of Working to High-Performance Working

The ideas behind the new ways of working, rather than the whole concept, are good influences on organisational performance

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From New Ways of Working to High-Performance Working

The principles of the New Ways of Working concept are becoming more and more accepted within organisations as a means to achieve higher organisational succes. At the same time, more and more organisations are experiencing the discomforts of having mistaken the concept itself for an organisational goal. Organisations find that the concept can not be viewed as an off-the-shelf solution to organisational inefficiencies and/ or ineffectiveness wich are keeping them from achieving their strategic goals. However, more and more organisations realise that the principles that lay the foundation for the concept can very well serve as enablers for a more efficient and effective way of working, called High-Performance Working. These organisations are continuously in search for means to improve the working environment, to create the right organisational culture and  are looking for ways of managing people to optimise use of talent, different generations and employee satisfaction to increase overall performance. The concept of the new ways of working provides several answers to these questions through it’s principles, and thus the concept is more and more valued as a means to an end, instead of an ultimate goal.


Photo: Morguefile.com / GaborfromHungary

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